Installation Guide
Start by removing the factory unit using a screwdriver to release the tab that secures the position. The housing for the light will disconnect from the wiring via a tab and to install the new unit it is easier to assemble the connectors and driver module prior to fitting into the vehicle.

Once the module is connected, simply connect the other end into the light itself and lastly the module to the original power plug. The power plug will only connect one way so make sure the straight side of the factory plug lines up with the modules plug that has a thicker side as displayed in the picture below.

We recommend using a cable tie or other means to hold the module to the wiring so it does not dangle down and bounce against the body. All that is left is to fit the LED unit back up into the slot and turn the lights on to test and make sure everything is working correctly.

These are the perfect amount of light with a color temperature matching all of our existing range. This amount of light output is ideal to improve illumination but not too much as to add glare to any reversing cameras.